I’m an overstimulated stay-at-home-mama of 2.

But time never made leaving her any less heartbreaking.

I’m here to share my life, the things I love, and inspire other stay at home parents who feel like they are in the same boat as me.

You LOVE being a stay at home parent, but you are struggling to be the best version of yourself. You’ve lost yourself, and the sahm burn out is REAL, but you want to love the life you’re living. I want to find the best version of myself and, in doing so, provide an outlet for other mama’s. Whether you are just starting to stay home with your child(ren) full time, contemplating it, or you’ve been doing it for a long time, I hope that we can find the best version of ourselves together! If that’s you, then welcome. 🙂 I’m glad you’re here and I can’t wait to share my journey with you!

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